Praça Roosevelt – cleaning up

Since the end of last year the square with its concrete structures is awaiting demolition. As the demolition job is still stuck in legal and political processes, the secretary responsible for the area was obliged to open the space again to the public and clean the place up, until further decisions are made. After the elections in the end of this month we´ll probably see a next chapter in the short yet turbulent life of Praça Roosevelt. The removal of the walls revealed the spatial qualities of the original design. Nevertheless it is almost certain that the brutalist concrete structure will be demolished to make place for a new uncovered terraced layout, but who knows…

Photographic survey on October 21 2008

One thought on “Praça Roosevelt – cleaning up

  1. All Praça Roosevelt need is cleaning, painting, ilumination and LOCAL administration.
    Perfect Quote: “The removal of the walls revealed the spatial qualities of the original design”

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