Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Development

Call for Papers
February 2, 2010


JAFSCD welcomes articles at any time on any subject related to the development
aspects of agriculture and food systems.

Faculty and students, Extension and other educators, planners, consultants, staff
with farm agencies and farm and community organiza­tions, and farmers are are
encouraged to submit applied research papers, commentary, and thought-provoking
articles that inform the emerging field of agriculture and food systems development.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

– conservation and farmland protection,
– value-adding,
– coopera­tive marketing, value chains, distribution, farm labor,
– market research, consumer decision-making drivers,

SPECIAL TOPIC CALL: Best Practices in Urban and Peri-Urban
Agriculture Development

Articles may address the following, among other topics:

– Urban livestock management and regulation
– Urban market gardening and backyard gardening
– Aquaculture and hydroponics
– Marketing and value-adding
– Waste management and reuse
– Urban farming by immigrant or other special populations
– Farming on the fringe

Deadline: June 5, 2010
(The deadline may be extended with permission of the publisher.)

More background on this topic is at www.AgDevJournal.com