Known initially as VLP, than informally as Fura-Fila and as Paulistão, the project was notorious between 1997 and 2006 for its gigantic unfinished overhead structures hovering over the Avenida do Estado. The curious name Fura-Fila in portuguese suggests not exactly the solution to the traffic problem as a whole, but rather the temporary priviliging of a group of users, probably for the sake of votes in the Mayor´s elections.
With some adjustments the project is now operational. That is, between the terminals Parque Dom Pedro II and Sacomã, since the trajectory leading to Cidade Tiradentes, at the eastern limit of São Paulo, is not finished yet and will be implemented as a ground level lane instead of flyover.
The vehicles, originally conceived as new generation designs with electric traction, were manufactured similar to existing diesel buses. Celebrated architect Ruy Othake was brought in and suggested to change the color of the blue cladding, covering the flyovers, to yellow.
As to the transport problems I´m not sure, but looking at the urban landscape today there is no doubt:
Something has happened, something extensive and yellow.
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Moro na altura do numero 9200 dsa Av.Luiz Inacio de Anhaia Melo, e gostaria de saber para quando esta previsto o inicio da linha que esta sendo construido.Antecipadamente agradeço.