tIP lecture #1: Bernd Fesel on cultural clusters
TU Delft, department of Urbanism and Association Deltametropool invite you to the International Perspectives: Cultural Clusters. A lecture by Bernd Fesel on the creative economy and Randstad Holland on Thursday September 22, 2011.
Bernd Fesel is the assistant director of the European centre for Creative Economy and was the main advisor Creative Industries for the European Capital of Culture, Ruhr 2010.
For all the cities of Randstad Holland, the creative industry is an important focus. The competition between cities within Randstad Holland (RSH) implies that RSH is disregarding that the real opponents for attracting creative entrepreneurs in North-West Europe are cities like London or Paris.
Three questions to be answered:
– Could combining the efforts of the various cities to the RSH region scale improve the international attractiveness of Randstad Holland? And if so, how can cultural clusters in the various cities support this international perspective?
– How can culture clusters and economic activity strenghten each another?
– What lessons are learned form the European Capital of Culture, Ruhr 2010?
For more info and registration, click here.