Incubator projects Rotterdam

The municipality of Rotterdam doesn’t have a specific portal for incubator projects, the way Amsterdam does. However, several industrial buildings in the former port areas are being used by creative industries.
The artist collective De Fabriek occupied abandoned spaces in Delfshaven, Crooswijk and Spaanse Polder. Some, like Poortgebouw, are the result of squatting. Others, like Creative Factory, Creative Cube and Schieblock, have been negotiated with the owners by cultural groups. The neatly renovated units of for example the Schiecentrale attract more established young entrepreneurs, in search for well a designed post-industrial loft with a view. And the RDM wharf area is being transformed into the RDM campus, an area with several educational institutes and working space for start-up businesses.

In general, more scepticism exists with regard to incubator projects in Rotterdam. They usually take a longer time to get filled up by young creative professionals than in Amsterdam. On the other hand, the supply of empty industrial and office buildings near the centre is more generous. Despite this fact, creative industries in Rotterdam fear that none of these low-cost spaces will eventually remain.


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