SprintCity (SprintStad in Dutch) is a project by the DeltaMetropolis Association, which investigates possibilities for urbanization around public transport nodes in the Randstad region (The Netherlands). The ultimate goal is to create attractive and sustainable environments for living, leisure and working, by optimizing the use of already existing rail infrastructure. For more information on this project, click here (English).
Station on railway corridor in SprintCity
In the first semester of 2011, SprintCity has been busy:
– A new version of serious game SprintStad was launched (version 1.1); the game simulates spatial developments around trains stations until the year 2030, and was played with several stakeholders
– Presentations were given at KEI VRJRS-party, Ruimteconferentie (PBL) and soon at InfraTrends and Hogeschool Rotterdam
– An article was published in Agora Magazine (Dutch-Flemish magazine for spatial planning), describing the use of serious game SprintStad in practice
– A FactSheet was published, demonstrating potential of smaller railway stations along rail corridors included in the national plan for high-frequency train service, to be implemented until 2030
– New project partners and investors were found
– Update SprintStad #3 was published, featuring news, research results and international context; the Update can be downloaded here
Simulation game session, in Amersfoort
Urban density survey of international station areas
Read more: SprintCity goes China