Industrial Heritage in Brazil – Patrimônio Industrial no Brasil

TICCIH 2006Latin America is experiencing fast desintegration of industrial plants and connected structures. Furthermore the metropolises in these countries are expanding rapidly, contrary to those in Europe and North America, turning the central industrial sites into vital space for urban growth. Factories built in modern architecture are not yet considered endangered and state policies regarding preservation are unclear and difficult to supervise. Extraordinary examples of 2nd generation industries can be found in the São Paulo metropolitan area, São José dos Campos and Sorocaba.

Carta Manifesto dos integrantes do TICCIH Brasil 15/03/2003.

Brazilian article for TICCIH congress 2006, Rome.

MENEGUELLO, Cristina (Associate Professor, UNICAMP, Brazil) The Industrial Heritage in Brazil and prospects for the Brazilian Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage.

Operando nas bordas – Bordering conditions

Intervenção MauáO artigo discute alguns projetos urbanos que enfocam novos desafios apresentados na cidade contemporânea. Estes projetos operam nas condições-limite do território metropolitano fragmentado, suas bordas: vazios urbanos, terrain vague, brownfields.
The article discusses urban projects that work on these new challenges presented on the contemporary city. These urban projects work on the bordering conditions of the fragmented metropolitan territory: urban voids, wastelands, brownfields, terrain vague.

LEITE, Carlos. Projetos urbanos: operando nas bordas (1).Urban projects on the bordering conditions (1). Vitruvius arquitextos 44, Janeiro 2004.